A01, Same Sex Marriage and Related LGBT Issues – William Herman, Michael Morris (1.5 CME Credits Cultural/Diversity Awareness)


This presentation will address the rapidly emerging challenges for the legal and mediation community in the evolving issues arising from same sex relationships and same sex marriages and divorces. Divorces in same sex marriages involve a number of complications very different from traditional marriage divorces. This is due to the fact that same sex marriages were prohibited for so many years despite individuals having long term committed relationships. Add in domestic partnerships, civil unions with different states enacting laws enabling same sex marriages at different times despite prohibitions in other states. Backlash legislation and actions are a daily occurrence. It anticipated that a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling will be a current subject. The mere topic of same sex marriage can cause vigorous and heated debate. The presenters will encourage the attendees to freely participate in an open and candid dialogue on every aspect of this subject.

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