B09, The Lean Arbitration: Providing a Truly Efficient and Effective Process for Parties – Rebecca Storrow, Harold Coleman (Non CME)


The basic principles of Lean are to provide a customer-centric approach to eliminating wasteful practices and to deliver greater value to the user or customer through more a more efficient and effective process. Given the increasing cost associated with arbitration, arbitrators can benefit greatly from applying this scientific approach to “cutting the fat”, reducing wastes such as delay, overproduction, and inefficient exchange of information. In this session, we will modify and apply Lean’s practical organizational tools, to improve arbitration practices that are are sometimes bloated and slow.

Handout Material 1 of 6

Handout Material 2 of 6

Handout Material 3 of 6

Handout Material 4 of 6

Handout Material 5 of 6

Handout Material 6 of 6



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