PL2 – (G) Online Dispute Resolution and its Impact on ADR – Noam Ebner (1.5 CME Credits General)


Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) – utilizing information technology and the internet to engage conflict – means many things to many people. Some envision it as establishing a new, comprehensive, justice system that can replace traditional courts for providing redress in conflicts arising from the new transactions and interactions of the Information Age. Others see it as a method through which any ADR practitioner can expand their practice beyond geographical constraints.

In this session, Noam Ebner will introduce a dozen categories of ODR, providing past and current examples of each and noting the field’s successes and the professional and ethical challenges it faces. Explaining the impact that ODR will have on the ADR field, as ODR transitions from an incubation stage to one of widespread implementation, Ebner will explain why engagement with developments in ODR are important not only for even the most tech-averse ADR practitioner – but for the ADR field as a whole.




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